
Partition Table

For a brief introduction you can read official manual. Basically each storage device will have a structure like this:

|PT|  Partition 1  |  Partition 2   |  Partition 3           |
0 start                                                    end

At the beginning we have a partition table that specify how many partitions we have and the location of them. It can be MBR or GPT or other partition tables.

Extended and Logical Partitions

Unlike "MBR", "GPT" doesn't require extend and logical partitions if you need more than 4 partitions. Out of the box, "GPT" supports 128 partitions. Fore more information refer to "advantages of GPT over MBR" in this wiki.

The syntax for mkpart is:

mkpart [part-type name fs-type] start end

File-system type (fs-type) is required for data partitions (i.e., non-extended partitions). So If you are creating an extend partition in MBR, you shouldn't specify file-system type. For more information visit the manual.


  • If you want to specify exact location you must use the sector unit "s". With parted 2.4 and newer IEC binary units like MiB, GiB, TiB, etc., specify exact locations as well. For more information refer to official manual
  • when creating a partition, you should prefer to specify units of bytes (“B”), sectors (“s”), or IEC binary units like “MiB”, but not “MB”, “GB”, etc. Read this page for more information
  • In mkpart command, start and end are the offset from the beginning of the disk, that is, the “distance” from the start of the disk. For more information read the manual
  • Note that "1KiB" is 1024 bytes but "1KB" is 1000 bytes. The should be no space between number and unit. For more information read the manual
  • The last sector is "-1s"

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